tingjia liang
tingjia liang
  • Видео 156
  • Просмотров 410 313
19世紀前沒有青花瓷的歐洲人不算富人Before 1800s, anyone who didn't own a china wasn't so called a rich man in Europe.
#blueandwhitepottery #porcelain #china
Blue and white pottery 青花瓷
*“Young Maids and Old China”, Francis William Bourdillon (1852~1921); John George Sowerby (1846~1901)
*John Singer Sargent (1856~1925)
*Agnes E. Walker,1893
*Edwin Howland Blashfield (1848~1936)
*Albert Roosenboom (1845~1888)
*Felice Casorati (1883~1963)
*Alfred Stevens (1823~1906)
*Jessie Willcox Smith (1863~1935)
*Victor Gabriel Gilbert (1847~1933)
*Albert Anker (1831~1910)
*William Hemsley (1817~1906)
Просмотров: 156


古今女性顯擺包袋的姿態心思始終沒變 Both ancient and modern ladies would like to show off handbags all the time.
Просмотров 3322 года назад
#名牌包 #namebrand #handbags 雖然唐代仕女挎包姿態猶如21世紀時尚女性, 但是唐代女性流行的是織品包而非皮件。 Although the postures of carrying handbags of both Tang Dynasty ladies and modern ladies are alike, Tang Dynasty handbags were made of fabric rather than leather. 字幕: 唐朝仕女偏愛手肘挎包 而不是雙肩、單肩、斜肩或手提 像極了現代人攜帶名牌包的姿態 可見唐代女用包袋具有展示價值 看來古今女性顯擺包袋的心思始終沒變 Subtitles: Tang Dynasty ladies loved carrying bags with elbows rather than backs, shoulde...
國寶級老嬰兒 Senior infants among Chinese national treasures.
Просмотров 1272 года назад
這些國寶級老娃娃真的可惜了, 有的小娃甚至像個老人啊! These Chinese national treasures, little kid figures, were pretty pity due to their adult expression of faces. Some of them even looked like the elderly. 字幕: 古代小孩基因與現代不同嗎? 兩頭身,三頭身,一臉超齡。 一歲幼兒,小學生眼神; 三歲孩子, 小大人表情。 也許因為古代嬰兒容易夭折, 父母巴不得孩子一夜長大, 所以藝術家幫忙拉拔了。 Subtitles: Were ancient kids physiologically different from modern kids? Why were these figures short but faces were ol...
台灣鬼是好兄弟?Is ghost called GOOD BROTHER in Taiwan?
Просмотров 992 года назад
農曆七月鬼出沒,七月半祭拜孤魂野鬼。其實我一直沒覺得七月很恐怖, 反而因為祭拜後可以吃一頓, 還挺喜歡中元節的。 Ghosts are traveling around In July of lunar calendar. We have to prepare a worship ceremony on 15th of July, Hungry Ghost Festival, for hungry ghosts. Due to enjoying the feast after the worship ceremony, I have been not scared of this festival very much. 字幕: [台灣鬼~好兄弟] [慶讚中元] 因為是哥們, 照顧一下是應該的。 因為很麻吉, 一年總得請一次。 因為buddy buddy, 給他有吃有喝有拿。 因為是好...
為何唐俑頭上有隻鳥?Why was a bird on Tang Dynasty pottery figurine’s head?
Просмотров 1402 года назад
欣賞唐俑很長一段時間,卻是最近才發現有的俑兒頭上停著一隻鳥,姿態挺美的,但是牠為什麼在那兒呢? I happened to find out that there was a bird standing on Tang Dynasty pottery figurines’ head. So elegant, but what was it for? * English subtitles are available. (Touch "CC" to get it.) * The whole subtitles are as following. You may use Google Translate to get any language you need. 字幕: [唐俑頭上有隻鳥] 為什麼唐俑的頭上是鳥? 鳥文化始於中國炎黃時代 (4000 BC) 山海經 精衛填海的精衛鳥 就是...
1892博哈拉號澎湖沉船:墨西哥銀圓與鴉片的聯想Shipwreck in Taiwan Strait ,1892:Mexican Silver Coins associated with opium.
Просмотров 1882 года назад
#SSBokhara #船難 #盜墓 將博哈拉號的出水文物“墨西哥銀圓”與鴉片聯想在一起, 是一件很直覺的事。我合理懷疑兩者有關係, 尤其是發現匯豐銀行根本是為毒品交易而創立的銀行。 I instinctively associated the antique Mexican silver coins, discovered in the shipwreck of SS Bokhara, with opium. It’s so obviously, especially I realized that HSBC, set up in 1865, was on purpose to serve opium trade. * English subtitles are available. (Touch "CC" to get it.) The whole subtitles are a...
中國茶17世紀騎駱駝進俄羅斯 綠茶變質竟成爆款紅茶Chinese tea carried by camel to Russia turned to black tea in 17th century.
Просмотров 3922 года назад
#samovar #茶炊 #戰鬥民族 Chinese green tea carried by camel caravan across Siberia to Russia accidentally turned into black tea in 17th century. 初見茶炊, 不理解俄羅斯人為何要發明茶炊來喝茶,細想之後 , 可能是俄羅斯人尊重每個人的口味, 即使他只是個小孩子, 就讓自己調味吧! 反觀喝了幾千年茶的我們, 原來同桌人都同一個品味. At the beginning, I had no idea why Russian invented Samovar for drinking tea. Maybe Russian respect everyone’s taste, let everyone dilute own tea, even though he/s...
元代官帽 神似香爐蓋 帽頂假借爐頂 Yuan Dynasty official hats and censer covers looked alike.
Просмотров 6463 года назад
#蒙古包 #蒙古大草原 #Mongolia 我曾經對忽必烈的蒙古大軍能夠渡過長江, 把南宋滅了感到不可思議, 不禁懷疑蒙古人能適應南方氣候嗎?原來蒙古軍隊攻破南宋首都在1276年2月; 追殺南宋末代兒皇帝在1279年3月, 每次出兵都選在冬天, 於乍暖還寒的初春收割。 I had doubted how Mongol leader Kublai (1215-1294) troops, after crossing the Yangtze River, could adapt to the subtropical climate and overthrow the South-Song Dynasty. No wonder. Mongolian soldiers successfully broke into the capital of Song Dynasty in Feb.127...
宋代防疫 戴烏紗帽保持社交距離 Song Dynasty official hat happened to be a measure of epidemic prevention.
Просмотров 4363 года назад
#疫情 #keepsocialdistance 據《宋史》研究, 北宋南宋320 年(960~1279)瘟疫 49 次, 平均六年一次。當時兇猛的瘟疫如鼠疫、天花、傷寒、瘧疾、痲瘋、狂犬病、肺炎、霍亂、白喉、血吸蟲病…來來回回反覆肆虐, 但是宋代人以中醫藥文明就克服了世紀病毒並挺了下來。 如今那些古代瘟疫大多已經絕跡, 全新來襲的是新冠肺炎 COVID -19,希望當今醫藥科學也能夠幫助人類化險為夷。 According to “Song Dynasty History” studies, there were 49 epidemics during 320 years of Song Dynasty, once every six years or so in average. Plague, Smallpox, Typhoid, Malaria, Leprosy, Rabies,...
清宮破產 簪子也繁花落盡 Qing Dynasty gradually declined, hair pins were getting simplified.
Просмотров 10 тыс.3 года назад
#清末民初 #紫禁城 #故宮 當我發現清宮在1860年之後開始以銀銅合金製作簪子而少用金、玉、珍珠、寶石的原因後, 心裏有點震驚, 彷彿我也親身經歷了那一場國之將亡的歷史巨變, 想來有點後怕啊! I really stunned when I discovered the reason why, after 1860, a lot of Qing Dynasty royal hair pins were made of silver copper alloy instead of gold, jades, pearls and gems. I couldn’t help feeling strongly anxious ,and then deeply worried about the empire's fortune as if I was at that era. * Engl...
《清明上河圖》重男輕女? 宋代女子在哪? Gender discrimination in a Song Dynasty painting masterpiece.
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 года назад
#feminism #性別歧 #兩性平權 宋代女性在「程朱理學」 對社會風氣的影響下, 似乎被性別歧視隔離了。張擇端(1085~1145)《清明上河圖》中, 整幅畫500多人, 熙熙攘攘全是男子, 女子不過21人, 僅佔4%, 她們不是婦人、奶奶、女僕, 就是妓女, 完全不見年輕女子, 也許在轎子裡、車子裡,或蒙著面紗吧。 Due to 程朱理學, Song Dynasty female were under social pressure so as to be isolated by gender discrimination in some respect. There were more than five hundred people in the painting 清明上河 painted by Song Dynasty’s great painter Zhang Ze-...
宋代柑仔店賣什麼哄小孩? What Song Dynasty peddler sold to kids made him so popular.
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.3 года назад
#宋代貨郎 #童玩 #童年 宋朝(960~1279) 商業發達, 小販生意興隆, 賣貨郎所到之處吸引鄰里孩童呼朋引伴流連忘返, 各種雜玩琳瑯滿目, 譬如泥偶、玩具刀劍、鳥、蟾蜍、風箏、針線包、文具等小東西 ,擅長描繪風俗日常的畫家蘇漢臣 (1094~1172) 以此展現北宋的太平富饒。 Song Dynasty (960~1279) was so prosperous that small business was thriving. No matter where Peddlers went, children were attracted by goods in booth, such as soil dolls, toy swords, birds, toads, kites, sewing kits, stationery and other little things, e...
清宮瘦臉術: V臉神器~太平車Qing Dynasty face-lift massage roller:Tai Ping Che, jade V-shaped face massage roller
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 года назад
#中醫藥 #穴道 #按摩 太平車是古代的小貨車, 後來被改造成按摩工具, 從此變成按摩器的代名詞。這個民間的按摩小物到了清朝變成皇家養生神器, 若以太平車按摩左右臉各17個穴道就能消除浮腫, 自然變V臉。 At first, Tai Ping Che meant the manpower trolley in ancient China. Later on, it was transformed to be a massage roller. Thus, massager was called Tai Ping Che also. Up to Qing Dynasty, this ordinary people's massager became a necessary of royal health care. If people massage 17 acupoints on l...
終於懂了颱風的意義 當日月潭變成大草原
Просмотров 713 года назад
台灣什麼沒有 雨水最多 一月冬雨 三月春雨 五月梅雨 八月颱風 所以有人唱起《三月裡的小雨》《 冬季到台北來看雨》 但今年什麼都有 就是沒有雨 去年0颱風 終於懂了颱風的意義 如果沒有暴風雨 不會感激好天氣
台灣人不多 每個人都很珍貴 悼花蓮太魯閣號火車事故49個罹難者
Просмотров 863 года назад
2021年4月2日上午9:28 台灣發生鐵路史上最慘烈事故 , 花蓮清水隧道前一輛工程車自斜坡滑落在軌道上, 太魯閣號煞車不及與之相撞, 導致出軌並失速衝進隧道, 造成 49人死亡, 上百人輕重傷的悲劇,就在清明節四天連假掃墓的第一天。
在上海租界揹外國嬰兒的人"Amah 阿嬤". Baby Carrier:Chinese Amah carried foreigner's baby on her back in concession
Просмотров 3393 года назад
在上海租界揹外國嬰兒的人"Amah 阿嬤". Baby Carrier:Chinese Amah carried foreigner's baby on her back in concession
回收塑膠袋鉤織成收納小盒 百年不朽沒有之一Handmade crocheted box of recycled plastic bags, sustainable for hundred years.
Просмотров 2983 года назад
回收塑膠袋鉤織成收納小盒 百年不朽沒有之一Handmade crocheted box of recycled plastic bags, sustainable for hundred years.
Просмотров 6403 года назад
清代美甲 卍字紋指甲套 & 一字紋指甲套 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: SWASTIKA & “ㄧ ”pattern. Old China
Просмотров 9763 года назад
清代美甲 卍字紋指甲套 & 一字紋指甲套 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: SWASTIKA & “ㄧ ”pattern. Old China
清代美甲 盤長紋指甲套 3 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art~Fingernail Guards: BUDDHIST KNOT pattern.Old China
Просмотров 7613 года назад
清代美甲 盤長紋指甲套 3 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art~Fingernail Guards: BUDDHIST KNOT pattern.Old China
清代美甲 流蘇指甲套 3 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: TASSEL. Old China
Просмотров 7573 года назад
清代美甲 流蘇指甲套 3 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: TASSEL. Old China
清代美甲 竹葉紋指甲套 6 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art~Fingernail Guards: BAMBOO LEAVE pattern. Old China
Просмотров 3453 года назад
清代美甲 竹葉紋指甲套 6 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art~Fingernail Guards: BAMBOO LEAVE pattern. Old China
清代美甲 囍蝶紋指甲套 Qing Dynasty Nail Art~Fingernail Guards: DOUBLE HAPPINESS & BUTTERFLY pattern.Old China
Просмотров 5443 года назад
清代美甲 囍蝶紋指甲套 Qing Dynasty Nail Art~Fingernail Guards: DOUBLE HAPPINESS & BUTTERFLY pattern.Old China
清代美甲 素面指甲套 8 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: PLAIN. Old China
Просмотров 5813 года назад
清代美甲 素面指甲套 8 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: PLAIN. Old China
清代美甲 花紋指甲套 11 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: FLORAL pattern. Old China
Просмотров 8943 года назад
清代美甲 花紋指甲套 11 款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: FLORAL pattern. Old China
清代美甲 錢紋指甲套 12 款. Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: COIN pattern. Old China
Просмотров 4703 года назад
清代美甲 錢紋指甲套 12 款. Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: COIN pattern. Old China
清代美甲 壽紋指甲套28款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: LONGEVITY pattern.Old China
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.3 года назад
清代美甲 壽紋指甲套28款 Qing Dynasty Nail Art ~ Fingernail Guards: LONGEVITY pattern.Old China
清宮美甲術 慈禧太后的美甲 SOP. Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager CIXI's Nail Art. Old China
Просмотров 2543 года назад
清宮美甲術 慈禧太后的美甲 SOP. Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager CIXI's Nail Art. Old China
清代美甲 古老琴撥蛻變成清代飾品指甲套 Qing Dynasty Nail Art: Zither plectrum were transformed into jewelry. Old China
Просмотров 7593 года назад
清代美甲 古老琴撥蛻變成清代飾品指甲套 Qing Dynasty Nail Art: Zither plectrum were transformed into jewelry. Old China
故宮博物院線上策展人(入選)清宮美甲術:指甲套的階級美感~策展人梁庭嘉NationalPalaceMuseumCuration(Selected)China Qing Dynasty Nail Art
Просмотров 306 тыс.3 года назад
故宮博物院線上策展人(入選)清宮美甲術:指甲套的階級美感~策展人梁庭嘉NationalPalaceMuseumCuration(Selected)China Qing Dynasty Nail Art


  • @sadtelna
    @sadtelna 6 месяцев назад

    I wish that nail guards are still exists in this modern era so I can prevent my nails from breaking..

  • @michellerenee92580
    @michellerenee92580 6 месяцев назад

    I LOVE NAIL GUARDS so much so I bought some and wear them whenever I'm at home, they are a whole vibe

  • @shhatun
    @shhatun Год назад

    Can these umbrellas be used in the rain?

  • @rosannehernandez2514
    @rosannehernandez2514 Год назад

    I want to wear fingernail guards.

  • @evelyn1558
    @evelyn1558 Год назад

    Beautiful and yet so sad ....

  • @geraldbai
    @geraldbai 2 года назад


  • @jasminedelust3073
    @jasminedelust3073 2 года назад

    Is there an English version of this audio book please ?

  • @phuhunghuynh4890
    @phuhunghuynh4890 2 года назад

    Nhạc nghe ghê quá má ưi😱😱😱😱😱

  • @lianannler9192
    @lianannler9192 2 года назад


  • @LienNguyen-zj9sv
    @LienNguyen-zj9sv 2 года назад

    beautiful ❤️

  • @ngancao4507
    @ngancao4507 2 года назад

    So beautiful

  • @annajackson5534
    @annajackson5534 2 года назад

    Those nails are mighty dangerous just imagine what they use those nails besides decoration probably had poison in them and everything else to hurt each other it was a very dangerous time back then I can imagine

  • @lamyen4392
    @lamyen4392 2 года назад


  • @lamyen4392
    @lamyen4392 2 года назад


  • @chaochristina5036
    @chaochristina5036 2 года назад


  • @demariejones3438
    @demariejones3438 3 года назад

    Very beautiful…. The hands always look so pretty like this

  • @blacksheep1069
    @blacksheep1069 3 года назад

    It's make women look classy n elegant

  • @elizabethbrower640
    @elizabethbrower640 3 года назад

    I really can’t stand those claws Chinese women wore. They must have been dangerous when they got angry.

  • @Introvertsan
    @Introvertsan 3 года назад

    I would wear them they are beautiful

  • @Ashley-vs8nu
    @Ashley-vs8nu 3 года назад

    At 1:43 for the daytime routine, I that a typo? "Suck"?

    • @tingjia_liang
      @tingjia_liang 3 года назад

      wow! I made a big mistake. thanks a lot.

    • @Ashley-vs8nu
      @Ashley-vs8nu 3 года назад

      @@tingjia_liang 😅😅 ok I figured so

  • @Chien-TzeChen
    @Chien-TzeChen 3 года назад


  • @snigdhakhadka5867
    @snigdhakhadka5867 3 года назад

    Thank you for uploading this video. After watching an excessive amount of palace dramas, I became greatly interested in the lives of members of imperial harem. Your videos help me satisfy my curiosity. Keep up the good work.

  • @angelsu3923
    @angelsu3923 3 года назад


    • @kch3244
      @kch3244 2 года назад


  • @user-eg3yf1bv1t
    @user-eg3yf1bv1t 3 года назад


  • @user-bk8lj2id9y
    @user-bk8lj2id9y 3 года назад


  • @esto85
    @esto85 3 года назад

    there were no handshake at that time, only courtesy gestures at a distance without touching each other when greeting each other

  • @TamNguyen-ku2wo
    @TamNguyen-ku2wo 3 года назад

    Có ai Việt Nam không ? 😊

  • @autumnwinter9559
    @autumnwinter9559 3 года назад


  • @phuckinut
    @phuckinut 3 года назад


  • @xxmaomao
    @xxmaomao 3 года назад


  • @user-cs8px9dh7z
    @user-cs8px9dh7z 3 года назад

    Изящные футлярчики для ногтей. Думаю для многих они были фетишем :)

  • @user-dh2ki5jo9m
    @user-dh2ki5jo9m 3 года назад


  • @jade_meiko
    @jade_meiko 3 года назад

    I’ve always loved them. Wondering if I could buy some nail guard anywhere

  • @tuong4699
    @tuong4699 3 года назад

    mình đam mê hộ giáp cực í, nhưng có điều tiếng đàn nghe có phần đáng sợ..

  • @mon6693
    @mon6693 3 года назад


  • @kimnguyen241
    @kimnguyen241 3 года назад

    English subtitles please

    • @tingjia_liang
      @tingjia_liang 3 года назад

      You may touch the "cc" to get it. Thanks.

  • @IGUniverse
    @IGUniverse 3 года назад

    Thank You do much fir the video i've been loking this tutorial long ahí Could You please put some English subtitles.

  • @reynamary12
    @reynamary12 3 года назад

    Parece que los chinos de antes eran muy morenos apesar de ser ricos

  • @a0987803149
    @a0987803149 3 года назад


  • @dianafducuara7865
    @dianafducuara7865 3 года назад

    Por favor subtitulos en español

    • @tingjia_liang
      @tingjia_liang 3 года назад

      Hi, the whole English subtitles are following, you may use Google Translate to read in Spanish. Thanks a lot. Qing Dynasty Royal Nail Art: Aristocratic Aesthetic of Fingernail Guards. Ancient Chinese used to keep nails long and it was even more popular in the Qing Dynasty. To protect long fingernails, Qing dynasty people took the ancient zither plectrum as the prototype, extended the shape into an arch tube and add decoration, finally transformed to be Qing Dynasty jewelry. In addition to function and decoration, fingernail Guards were aristocratic. [Golden Fingernail Guards: Discovered at Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty (202 BC~220 AD) in Jilin province, China] [Ancient zither plectrum transformed to be Qing Dynasty jewelry] [Hint Message: Wearers were no need to work] [Fingernail Guards protected not only fingernails but aristocracy; they showed off not only craftsmanship but wearer’s identity.] [Royal nail art team: Western country tribute nail art kits / Camellia essence distillation tool/ Royal handmade skin care products and cosmetics] Nail Art Empress Dowager CIXI. According to the memories of the female officer De Ling and the court amid He Ronger, CIXI particularly concerned about maintaining anti-aging. Obsession with beauty of face, skin and even her fingernails. Female officers and court maids washed and maintained CIXI’s fingernails every morning and evening. However, Empress Dowager CIXI was other than ordinary nobles. Wearing Fingernail Guards was not only for protecting nails, decoration and showing off class, It also has an emotional connection with highest political power. [CIXI Nail Art SOP: {Night} soak, trim, brush, polish, wipe, wear. {Daytime} soak, wipe, pat, suck, wear] [CIXI’s Complex of long fingernails.] [Resolutely cutting off long fingernails before fleeing from Forbitten City in The Boxer Incident,1900] [Restart keeping fingernails grow after returning to the Forbidden City in January,1902]

  • @hopeworld9515
    @hopeworld9515 3 года назад

    Thanks for putting subtitles! Beautiful video!

  • @shamanfox5314
    @shamanfox5314 3 года назад

    I thought it was a weapon...a beautiful modified weapon that goes along with any dress just like a handbag or stilletos would....

    • @blenderpain8249
      @blenderpain8249 3 года назад

      Don't think it's affective as a weapon though.

  • @sanniacity
    @sanniacity 3 года назад

    I noticed it in some imperial dramas. It's pretty and I think it gives a vibe of elegancy too. Thanks for making this review

  • @jaymeemangang9506
    @jaymeemangang9506 3 года назад

    Take that nail extensions!

  • @niamarie5656
    @niamarie5656 3 года назад

    Why they wear the nail guard on the last two fingers? The ring and pinky finger..is there a meaning to this..please explain..I'm just curious?

    • @tingjia_liang
      @tingjia_liang 3 года назад

      At least, those aristocrat had to drink & eat with front three fingers by themselves.

  • @homeschoolfun8647
    @homeschoolfun8647 3 года назад

    觉得很恶心,很不卫生。 而且无所事事, 什么活都不干的废物才能留这么长的指甲, 这些留着长指甲女人真的很丑陋

    • @rinmikorin86
      @rinmikorin86 3 года назад


    • @c-donghua4878
      @c-donghua4878 3 года назад


  • @user-qf9bc9mj3e
    @user-qf9bc9mj3e 3 года назад


    • @rinmikorin86
      @rinmikorin86 3 года назад


  • @yolandaanderson2111
    @yolandaanderson2111 3 года назад

    ill like the words in English BUT love the video

  • @bearhakuna514
    @bearhakuna514 3 года назад

    i been to china museum its very beautiful from all dynasty they have many ..wow.. reserved the history is best

  • @pablopimpall7580
    @pablopimpall7580 3 года назад

    Made shoot in China